Sunday, March 17, 2019

Trump's 2020 Budget

On Monday, March 11, 2019, CNN writer David Love wrote an interesting article titled The real national emergency is not at the border, where he explains different issues happening in our country and then shows what the President plans to do to fix/help the problems. Love’s intended audience for his writing is every American, he wants us to know what is happening and what needs to happen for us to succeed. I believe Love is credible, his writings show that he is knowledgeable about what he is talking about. When he presents his opinion he does a good job at backing it up with evidence and facts.  
The issue here is that in Trump’s new budget he wants $8.6 billion for his wall and plans to cut 5% from all federal agencies except defense. Love argues that this is a problem because many people actually rely on these agencies for many different reasons. Medicaid helps children with healthcare, SNAP helps families not go hungry, affordable housing helps people have a home and afford it, and Social Security protects families from economic uncertainty by having this benefit it helps many Americans feel safe. Love also talks about how Trump’s children also believe that Americans will be fine with this 5% cut since “most Americans, in their heart, [don’t] want to be given something”, said Ivanka Trump. He continues to explain how important these federal agencies are to most Americans since most live paycheck by paycheck. He also points out that Trump’s cabinet is actually made up of billionaires that profit from everyday people. Steven Mnuchin profited from 16,000 foreclosures and Alex Azar who is in charge of Health and Human Services. Love wants us to understand that President Trump makes his policies to benefit only a certain percentage of the population and those who don’t will suffer the consequences of his decisions.  He also gives information about new more progressive policies like the Green New Deal that addresses climate change and inequality, 70% marginal tax rate for the rich, and even a living wage. Love’s main argument is that many Americans need certain services and many people can benefit from this, by allowing for more government help this will allow for more people to be successful in their lives.
Love uses enough logos for us to understand his arguments, he states certain percentages on how many people use SNAP and he also uses other statistics that help us understand the number of people that need certain services. His arguments overall are good certain ones make him sound like he is just attacking Trump rather than justifying what in his budget is not necessary. I would give David Love an A-, his main argument does make sense and I do believe that there are bigger problems we can solve with the $8.6 billion he wants for the wall, but I think he needs to persuade his audience a bit more with more hard evidence on why we do not need the wall.

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