Friday, February 15, 2019

False Alarm: Trump's Newest National Crisis

The National Review posted an article on February 15, 2019, titled Trump’s Emergency Declaration Is Contemptuous of the Rule of Law. In this
article David Fench discuss Pres. Trump’s newest declaration of a National Emergency. In his National Emergency, he states that it is necessary
for his wall to be built and he states that he will be using the funds from the military to make his wall happen. He also declares that it is necessary
for the military to be involved because it is a national security issue. French argues that it is not necessary for President Trump to use the military’s
money and the military for this wall. The issues/crimes that President Trump argues are a national threat are just crimes that should be handled by
civilian law, not the national army. He also discusses how this declaration was written out very uncomplicated, but the problem he sees with this is
that Trump does not say why the military is needed just that it is. This is not really giving a good reason to take $3.6 Billion from the army. Lastly
French says that he believes Congress will not let Trump get away with this declaration for the use of the army at the border. He believes that Trump
does not justify his reasoning that the courts will also agree that his saying is not enough to use the army and focus on these crimes that can be handled
by civilian law.

Image result for sad trump

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